October 2015
Try to start university with an open mind.
If there is ever a time in your life when you should question everything you believe, it is now. When starting university, you will encounter lots of new people, ideas and ways of life, and you should try not to arrive with ANY preconceived notions about them. The habits that you might look at as weird at first, you could end up adopting and become a lifelong believer in.
Don't be a social recluse.
My friends are always so proud about how they brought a full gaming platform and the biggest TV that can physically fit in their dorm. Whoop-de-do. If you define your happiness in college by the success of your World of Warcraft character, you are going to have a very miserable time. My advice would be, just don't play video games. Or if you really want to, don't play video games alone. Join clubs, talk to your dorm-mates, be sociable.
Take classes you are interested in.
This is actually pretty obvious for most students. But it is still something worth mentioning. When starting university, don't only take classes pertaining to your major. If you take the opportunity to sample different subjects, you might just stumble across something even more interesting. See what else is on offer, and if you're not sure, speak to a lecturer to get some advice.
Take (calculated) risks!
If there is ever a time in your life when you should question everything you believe, it is now. When starting university, you will encounter lots of new people, ideas and ways of life, and you should try not to arrive with ANY preconceived notions about them. The habits that you might look at as weird at first, you could end up adopting and become a lifelong believer in.
Have fun.
If there is ever a time in your life when you should question everything you believe, it is now. When starting university, you will encounter lots of new people, ideas and ways of life, and you should try not to arrive with ANY preconceived notions about them. The habits that you might look at as weird at first, you could end up adopting and become a lifelong believer in.
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