Masters Courses - MSc Degrees (including links to website)
(Courses listed by topic area -
Accounting & Finance(MRes / PGDipRes) - a solid foundation for students embarking on doctoral studies in accounting and finance
Accounting & Finance(MSc / PGDip) - advanced study for students who already have an undergraduate degree in accounting and finance
Advanced Practice(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - a flexible and innovative progamme, allowing students to develop advanced knowledge and skills relevant to their own area of professional practice
Advanced Practice (Cancer Care)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for experienced practitioners who wish to extend their academic and clinical capability to meet the needs of individuals with cancer
Advanced Practice (Children's Palliative Care)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for interprofessional practitioners working with clients (children, their families and/or carers) who are living with chronic or life limiting/threatening disorders
Advanced Practice (Clinical Assessment)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for practitioners who are currently, or in the process of developing/advancing their practice in independent systematic patient assessments and clinical examinations
Advanced Practice (Clinical Governance)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - explore the context and development of the quality, patient safety and clinical governance agendas
Advanced Practice (Community Health Nursing)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - to equip community nurses to play a lead role in shaping new models of service delivery
Advanced Practice (Diagnostic Imaging)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for radiology and oncology personnel keen to increase their knowledge and extend their roles and responsibilities in the field of radiology and oncology services
Advanced Practice (Health & Social Care)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for both health and social care professionals who are interested in inter-professional provision of care whether within the community or acute sector
Advanced Practice (Infection: Diseases, Prevention and Control)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for any health care professional keen to increase their knowledge and extend their role and responsibility in the arena of infection prevention and control
Advanced Practice (Medical Imaging)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for radiology and oncology personnel, and other allied health professionals, keen to increase their knowledge and extend their roles and responsibilities in the field of radiology and oncology services
Advanced Practice (Mental Health)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for health, social and psychology candidates who are seeking to advance their academic and clinical mental health capabilities
Advanced Practice (Midwifery)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for midwives and others involved in maternity care who are keen to increase their knowledge and understanding of the complex nature of contemporary midwifery
Advanced Practice (Nursing)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - a flexible postgraduate pathway for Registered Nurses wishing to develop their knowledge plus enhance and extend their roles and responsibilities within nursing
Advanced Practice (Organisational Leadership)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for health and social professionals who wish to explore the context and development of leadership on an individual, organisational and global perspective
Advanced Practice (Palliative Care)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - a flexible postgraduate pathway for registered nurses and Allied Healthcare professionals wishing to further develop their knowledge of current practices in palliative care
Advanced Practice (Physiotherapeutic Practice)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - designed for the future role of Advanced and Consultant Practitioners
Advanced Practice (Practice Education)(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for Health Care Professionals who are engaged in the support of learning in the workplace or in health education
Advanced Sustainability of the Built Environment(MSc/PGDip) - providing a holistic knowledge of sustainable built environment
Applied Computing(MSc / PGDip) - for non-Computing graduates who required a relevant and marketable addition to their existing qualifications
Applied Population and Welfare Geography(MSc / PGDip) - advanced training in demographic and population studies
Archives & Records Management(MLitt / MSc (Int) / PGDip / PGCert) - flexible study for archivists and records managers
Artificial Intelligence(MSc / PGDip) - an in-depth understanding of theoretical and applied aspects of intelligent computer systems and skills suitable for advanced technical or research positions in industry or academia
Biomedical Engineering(MSc) - apply engineering principles and design methods to create new techniques and instruments in medicine and surgery
Business Intelligence(MSc) - gain an understanding of the fundamentals of extracting information from data in the business & commercial world
Cancer Biology(MRes) - a research-centred course providing a focused training in molecular cancer research, covering both the fundamental and translational science of carcinogenesis, cancer biology, diagnosis and therapy (course subject to approval)
Civil Engineering(MSc) - deepen your knowledge, increase your understanding, and develop your skills in Civil Engineering, in preparation for a career in industry, commerce or academia
Climate Change & Energy Law & Policy(LLM / PGDip) - understand the development of climate change regulation & legislation, particularly from the viewpoint of energy reform
Climate Change Economics & Policy(MSc) - understand the issues involved in the most talked about policy debate of our times, climate change, from an inter-disciplinary perspective
Commercial Law(LLM) - a detailed understanding of core issues relating to corporate law, with specialisation
Computing(MSc) - a flexible programme of advanced study for students with a wide range of computing backgrounds
Computing Research(MSc) - develop research skills, understand research methods, and work alongside one of our research groups
Computing with International Business(MSc) - a firm grounding in the knowledge, skills and understanding of computing, software development and the global business environment
Computing with Vision and Imaging(MSc) - acquire advanced knowledge and skills of the algorithmic underpinnings of computer vision systems, to operate effectively in the application of video and image-based computing
Concrete Engineering & Environmental Management(MSc) - study within our world class research centre - the Concrete Technology Unit
Construction Enterprise Management(MSc) - study, construction, project and enterprise management
Continental Philosophy(MLitt) - advanced philosophical study to gain a deepened understanding of key thinkers and texts from the continental tradition
Creative Writing(MLitt / PGDip / Module) - combine practice-led creative writing with research-led studies
Crops for the Future(MRes) - for biologists with a strong emphasis on crop plant science
Depiction & Identification of the Dead(Cert) - a module encompassing a wide range of subjects, notably facial identification, two and three-dimensional facial reconstruction, craniofacial superimposition, taphonomy, skull assessment and post-mortem depiction
Design(MDes) - develop your ability to communicate design thinking through, by and for design
Design Ethnography(MSc / PGDip) - for graduates in related courses wishing to develop a specialism in the design and technology industries
Design for Medical Technologies(MSc / PGDip) - apply engineering principles and design methods to create new techniques and instruments in medicine and surgery
Developmental Psychology(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for psychology graduates who wish to gain research training in developmental psychology and professionals working with children
Early America(MLitt / PGDip) - a unique course which examines the development of Britain's American colonies from their first settlement through the period of the American Revolution
Earthquake & Offshore Geotechnical Engineering(MSc) - study earthquake engineering, offshore geotechnical engineering and soil dynamics
Economics(PGDip) - for graduates wishing to make the transition to studying economics at postgraduate level
Education (Chartered Teacher)(MEd / PGDip / PGCert) - accredited by the GTC, a dedicated set of modules within our MEd Programme has been designed for the Standard of Chartered Teacher
Educational Psychology(MSc) - accredited by the BPS, a two-year full-time professional training programme leading to qualification as an Educational Psychologist
Electronic Circuit Design & Manufacture(MSc / PGDip) - to train graduates in the design and production of electronic circuits
Energy Law & Policy(LLM / PGDip)
Energy Studies(MSc / PGDip)
Energy Studies with Specialisation in Energy Economics(MSc / PGDip)
Energy Studies with Specialisation in Energy & the Environment(MSc / PGDip)
Energy Studies with Specialisation in Energy Finance(MSc / PGDip)
Energy Studies with Specialisation in Energy Policy(MSc / PGDip)
Energy Studies with Specialisation in Energy Regulation(MSc / PGDip)
Energy Studies with Specialisation in Oil & Gas Economics(MSc / PGDip)
English Studies(MLitt / PGDip) - advanced study of diverse literary genres and theories
Environmental Biology (Conversion for Mathematical, Physical, Chemical and Molecular Sciences(MRes) - for graduates wishing to pursue a career in environmental biology
Environmental Biology(MRes) - for biologists planning a career in environmental research
Environmental Law(LLM) - aiming to give law graduates and others a conceptual understanding of the main legal issues related to environmental regulation
Environmental Law & Policy(LLM / PGDip)
Environmental Remote Sensing(MSc / PGDip) - study the physical principles of remote sensing and the environmental applications of Earth Observation
European History(MLitt / PGDip) - gain an understanding of the diverse forces at work in European history since the early modern period
European Law(LLM) - for law graduates and others, the course offers an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the law in relation to key European and EU law subjects and areas
European Urban Conservation(MSc / PGDip) - to equip graduates to work in public and private agencies concerned with urban conservation, architectural restoration and heritage management
Executive Oil & Gas Leadership(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - to prepare professionals for senior leadership or management advisory positions in the private sector and government
Eye Movements and Cognition(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for psychology graduates who wish to gain specialised research training from a centre of excellence
Finance(MSc / PGDip) - the role of modern business organisations, financial institutions and markets in the global economy
Fine Art(MFA) - to encourage systematic study and the development of creative ideas
Forensic Art(MSc / PGDip) - a professional masters programme to support the transition from undergraduate study to the establishment of professional practice within contemporary forensic fields
Forensic Medicine(MFM) - for medical and dental graduates to foster the development of medico-legal expertise founded in current scientific knowledge and devoid of bias
Greater Britain in the Twentieth Century(MLitt / PGDip) - gain an understanding of the diverse ways in which twentieth century British history has been understood
Historical Research Methods(MLitt / PGDip) - a training in postgraduate historical research as a firm basis for proceeding to doctoral work
History(MLitt / PGDip) - advanced study in your area of interest
Human Anatomy(MSc) - study all areas of gross anatomy from a theoretical and practical perspective
Human Rights Law(LLM) - an in-depth understanding and appreciation of major issues in contemporary human rights law for law graduates and others
Humanities(MLitt / PGDip) - advanced study in your area of interest
Information Technology & International Business(MSc / PGDip) - combining Computing and Business for graduates from other subjects who wish to make a relevant and marketable addition to their qualifications
International Accounting(MSc / PGDip) - gain an international perspective on the theory and practice of accounting, and understand the impact of accounting in an international environment
International & Comparative Nuclear Law & Policy(LLM / PGDip)
International Business(MSc) - for motivated students who wish to pursue a successful and rewarding career in International Business
International Business & Corporate Governance(MSc) - for students who wish to gain an in-depth knowledge of Corporate Governance within International Business
International Business & Finance(MSc) - for motivated students who wish to pursue a successful and rewarding career in International Business and Finance
International Business & Human Resource Management(MSc) - for graduates who wish to pursue a career in Human Resource Management
International Business & Marketing(MSc) - for motivated students who wish to pursue a successful and rewarding career in International Business and Marketing
International Business Law & Transactions(LLM / PGDip)
International Business, Marketing & Human Resource Management(MSc) - for graduates who wish to work in the Marketing or Human Resource Management field, who do not have a business or economics background
International Business Transactions(Exec MBA)
International Commercial Law(LLM) - this course enables students to develop a knowledge and understanding of selected areas of international commercial law
International Commercial Law(LLM) - jointly with the University of Certgy Pontoise, France, study in two countries to develop a knowledge and understanding of international commercial law
International Criminal Justice(LLM) - aiming to give law graduates and others an in-depth understanding and appreciation of major issues in contemporary international criminal justice
International Dispute Resolution & Management(LLM / PGDip)
International Energy Industry Management(Exec MBA)
International & European Law(LLM) - for law graduates and others, the course offers an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the law in relation to key International and European law subjects and areas
International Finance(MSc) - for finance graduates who wish to study advanced aspects of International Finance and financial markets
International Law(LLM) - an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the law in relation to key international law subjects and areas and an understanding of the context within which international law operates
International Mineral Resources Management(Exec MBA)
International Oil & Gas Management(Exec MBA)
International Oil & Gas Management(MBA / PGDip / PGCert) - a 12 month, full time, MBA programme for qualified graduates with aspirations to work in or further develop skills already obtained in the oil & gas, or related industries
International Oil & Gas Management(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - develop a focussed array of academic and industry related business and management skills and knowledge to work in the oil sector, or as preparation for a research degree
International Politics & Security(MLitt / PGDip) - a comprehensive analysis of international and global political issues, including the new security challenges confronting societies in an era of economic, social & political globalization
International Urban Conservation(MSc / PGDip) - identifying and understanding historic buildings and areas, their protection, restoration, development and harmonious adaptation to contemporary life
International Water Management(Exec MBA)
Islamic Accounting & Finance(MSc / PGDip) - allows students to deepen their knowledge of accounting and finance practices within Islamic countries
Language and Communication(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - research training for psychology graduates intending to continue with postgraduate research or further professional training within Psychology or related disciplines
Law (General)(LLM) - gain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the a specific area of law
Law & Government(LLM) - introducing students to the idea of a multilayered system of formal government at national, European and international levels
Legal Practice(PGDip) - vocational qualification necessary to pursue a career in the legal profession in Scotland, either as a solicitor or advocate
Local & Regional Economic Development(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - a distance learning course designed to meet the needs of working practitioners
Mathematics(Graduate Diploma) - upgrade your degree qualifications
Media Arts and Imaging - 3D Computer Animation(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - develop advanced skills, knowledge and understanding within the field of 3D Computer Animation
Media Arts and Imaging - Animation and Visualisation(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - an environment for animators with creative vision and artistic talent, capable of producing work that is relevant and which shows a sense of purpose
Media Arts and Imaging - Communication Design(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - a wide range of opportunities for individuals to develop both practical and theoretical skills in or between an art and applied design context
Media Arts and Imaging - Electronic Imaging(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - an environment for artists and practitioners to explore creative approaches to research, production and the exposition of media art
Media Arts and Imaging - Screendance(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for directors, choreographers and screendance artists with the technical expertise and creative vision needed to support specialisms in the commercial and arts sectors
Media Arts and Imaging - Sound Art and Design(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - develop sonic art practice while gaining a critical, theoretic and technical understanding of the media and its historical significance
Medical Art(MSc / PGDip) - a professional masters programme to support the transition from undergraduate study to the establishment of professional practice within contemporary medical fields
Medical Education(MMEd / PGDip / PGCert) - for qualified Health Professionals to develop skills and recognised training in medical education
Medical Imaging(MSc) - education in the knowledge, skills and understanding of engineering design of advanced medical and biotechnology products and systems
Mineral Law & Policy(LLM / PGDip)
Motion Analysis(MSc / PGDip) - study the technological aspects, and the fundamental and advanced concepts of motion measurement and clinical analysis
Natural Resources Law & Policy(LLM / PGDip)
Nursing- for the full range of nursing postgraduate courses for nurses, including courses for nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, practice managers, radiographers and other allied health professionals
Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation Technology(MSc / PGDip) - to provide professionals with an understanding and knowledge of the technological aspects of orthopaedics and rehabilitation
Orthopaedic Surgery(MChOrth) - a clinically-based Masters degree covering orthopaedic surgery from a clinical and mechanistic viewpoint
Petroleum Law & Policy(LLM / PGDip)
Petroleum Taxation & Finance(LLM / PGDip)
Philosophy and Literature(MLitt / PGDip) - specialist interdisciplinary study within Philosophy and English Studies
Physiotheraphy (MSc / PGDip / PGCert)Full course title: MSc Advanced Practice (Physiotherapeutic Practice)
For the future role of Advanced and Consultant Practitioners
Pre-Sessional Programmes(Cert) - courses to allow you to prepare fully for your future course of postgraduate study
Primary Care(MSc) - a flexible multidisciplinary programme of study for primary care professionals
Primary Education(PGDE) - accredited by the GTC for Scotland, prepares graduates to teach in primary and nursery schools
Professional Doctorate in Community Education(DCommEd)- advanced continuing professional development
Professional Doctorate in Education(DEd) - advanced continuing professional development
Professional Doctorate in Educational Psychology(DEdPsy) - advanced continuing professional development
Professional Doctorate in Social Work(DSW) - advanced continuing professional development
Prosthodontics(MDSc) - clinical training in, and study of Prosthodontics to prepare dentists for an academic career or specialist practise
Psychological Research Methods(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for psychology graduates who wish to gain research training
Psychological Therapy in Primary Care(MSc) - a distance learning course to train psychology gradautes to deliver evidence-based psychological therapies for common mental health disorders in Primary Care
Public Health(MPH / PGDip) - to prepare healthcare professionals for leadership in scientific, research and management roles in Public Health
Radiography & Radiology (Diagnostic Imaging) MSc / PGDip / PGCertFull course title: MSc Advanced Practice (Diagnostic Imaging)
for radiology and oncology personnel keen to increase their knowledge and extend their roles and responsibilities in the field of radiology and oncology services
Records Management & Digital Preservation(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - for information professionals employed in a wide range of fields including records management and electronic media and records, including librarians, museum curators and other information specialists
Records Management & Information Rights(MSc / PGDip / PGCert) - gain the skills & compentencies you need to work in a rapidly evolving professional environment
Remote Sensing & Computing(MSc / PGDip) - remote sensing methods & technology, image processing & data handling
Renewable Energy & Environmental Modelling(MSc / PGDip) - make an immediate contribution to the renewable energy sector
Scottish Church History(MLitt / PGDip) - study post-Reformation Scottish church history
Scottish History(MLitt / PGDip) - understand the diverse forces at work in Scottish history since the early modern period
Scottish Internship Graduate Certificate(Cert) - enhance your employment prospects with career planning plus a six month internship
Scottish Internship Graduate Certificate (International Stream)(Cert) - international students - enhance your employment prospects with career planning plus a four and a half month internship
Social Research Methods(MSc) - gain a portfolio of research skills and expand your employment horizons
Social Work(MSc) - a programme of postgraduate study in social work leading to registration with the Scottish Social Services Council
Spanish for Teachers(PGDip) - a distance learning course, a GTC-recognised additional teaching qualification for serving secondary teachers of Modern Languages
Spatial Planning with Community Engagement(MSc / PGDip) - to equip graduates with professional management skills including consensus building and collaborative working as are required for community planning
Spatial Planning with Environmental Assessment(MSc / PGDip) - to equip graduates for the professional management of strategic environmental assessment obligations in the development process
Spatial Planning with Sustainable Urban Design(MSc / PGDip) - to equip graduates with the professional skills for resolving environmental, economic, social, cultural and spatial dimensions in designing for sustainable development
Spatial Planning with Transport Planning(MSc / PGDip) - to equip graduates for professional management roles concerned with the critical interplay of transport and spatial planning
Strategic Financial Management(MSc / PGDip) - advanced financial and management training for aspiring management accountants, management consultants and global business managers
Structural Engineering(MSc) - study finite element analysis, bridge engineering, earthquake engineering
Sustainable Catchment Management(MSc / PGDip) - an authoritative source of training, for scientists and managers who will monitor and manage water and the natural systems dependent on it
Town & Country Planning(MA / PGDip) - a distance learning course, covering a broad coverage of the social and economic context within which the profession of town and country planning operates
Twentieth Century Studies(MLitt / PGDip) - interdisciplinary degree with huge selection of topics
Urban & Cultural History(MLitt / PGDip) - a multi-disciplinary study of major transformations in British society
Water Governance and Conflict Resolution(LLM) - a unique programme under the auspices of UNESCO, delivered in both Dundee and Delft, specialising in water law and water resource
Water Law(LLM / PGDip / PGCert) - innovative executive style course combining the study of water law with options including resources law, economics, policy, and management, aiming to develop the water leaders of the future
Women, Culture & Society(MLitt / PGDip) - women and gender from 1600 to the present in the UK & Europe
Undergraduate Courses - Bachelors Degrees
American Studies
Anatomical Sciences
Applied Computing
Art & Design (General Foundation)
Art, Philosophy, Contemporary Practices
Arts General (full time)
Arts General (part time)
Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery
Biomedical Sciences
Biomolecular Drug Discovery
Business Economics with Marketing
Business Management
Childhood Practice
Civil Engineering
Community Learning and Development
Applied Computing
Computing Science
Digital Interaction Design
E-Commerce Computing
Interactive Media Design
Computing Science
Art & Design (General Foundation)
Digital Interaction Design
Graphic Design
Interactive Media Design
Interior and Environmental Design
Jewellery and Metal Design
Product Design
Textile Design
Time Based Art & Digital Film
Digital Interaction Design
Drug Design and Mechanisms
E-Commerce Computing
Early Childhood Studies - Childhood Practice
Economic Studies (Business Economics with Marketing, Economics, Financial Economics)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
English / English and Film Studies
Environmental Science
Environmental Sustainability
European Philosophy
European Politics
European Studies
Financial Economics
Fine Art (Digital Media, Drawing and Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture)
Forensic Anthropology
Graphic Design
Interactive Media Design
Interior and Environmental Design
International Business
International Business and Finance
International Relations
Jewellery and Metal Design
Law (including Law with Languages)
Life Sciences
Anatomical Sciences
Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery
Biomedical Sciences
Biomolecular Drug Discovery
Drug Design and Mechanisms
Forensic Anthropology
Molecular Biology
Molecular Genetics
Physiological Sciences
Sports Biomedicine
Mathematical Biology
Mechanical Engineering
Molecular Biology
Molecular Genetics
Nursing & Midwifery
Oral Health Sciences
Physiological Sciences
Primary Education
Product Design
Professional Development
Professional Development in:
Childhood Practice
Community Regeneration
Leadership & Management
Leadership & Management (Heathcare)
Leadership & Management (Integrated Services)
Volunteering Management
Renewable Energy
Scottish Historical Studies
Social Work
Spatial Economics
Sports Biomedicine
Teaching Qualification (Further Education)
Textile Design
Time Based Art & Digital Film
Town and Regional Planning
Transatlantic Studies