At Heriot-Watt we believe that a university education is an investment in your future. If you have the talent, ability and drive to study with us, we want to make sure you make the most of the opportunity, regardless of your financial circumstances.
That is why we offer a generous package of scholarships and bursaries (that do not need to be paid back) to encourage and support well qualified, ambitious students to come and study at Heriot-Watt.
You can apply for a range of University scholarships as well as funding provided by UK and international government bodies, the European Commission, funding trusts, a number of research councils, industry and employers.
UG Scholarships:
Access Bursaries (Scotland)
East Lothian Educational Trust
Heriot-Watt Academic Scholarship
Heriot-Watt Foundation Bursary
Heriot-Watt University Bursary
India Scholarship
International Fee Scholarship
Leverhulme Trade Charities Trust
MACS Malaysia Undergraduate Scholarship
MACS Undergraduate Overseas Scholarship
Music Scholarships
Overseas Scholarship Scheme
Presidents Fund - Edinburgh Association of University Women
Rapid Formations Entrepreneur Scholarship Programme
Scholarships for Women to study Engineering and Physical Sciences
Staff Scholarships and Remission of Fees Policy
The Muirhead Trust
West Lothian Educational Trust
Xero Entrepreneur Scholarship
PG Scholarships:
Alumni Scholarship (Management and Languages)
Alumni Scholarship (Textiles and Design)
Alumni Scholarship Scheme
Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan
East Lothian Educational Trust
Edinburgh Business School Scholarship for On-Campus Programmes
EPS PG Research James Watt Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus
Esmee Fairbairn Scholarship (Rest of UK)
Esmee Fairbairn Scholarship (Scottish / EU)
ExxonMobil Russian Scholars Program (GEOSEAD course)
Funds For Women Graduates (FFWG) grants
Future Planners Bursary 2016
Henry Prais Scholarship
Ian Rushbrook Scholarship
India Scholarship
International Scholarships Programme
Leverhulme Trade Charities Trust
Local Education Authority Awards
MACS Alumni Scholarship
MACS Postgraduate Scholarships
Malaysian International Scholarship (MIS)
Mary Burton Scholarship
Music Scholarships
Overseas Scholarship Scheme
Part-time Fee Grant (SAAS)
Petrofac/Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowships
Postgraduate Student Allowance Scheme (SAAS)
Presidents Fund - Edinburgh Association of University Women
Rapid Formations Entrepreneur Scholarship Programme
Remission of Fees (families of staff)
SML Campus Mobility Scholarship
SML International Merit Scholarship (India)
SML International Merit Scholarship (Norway)
SML International Merit Scholarship (Overseas)
Staff Scholarships
Staff Scholarships and Remission of Fees Policy
Taught Course Scholarships
The Muirhead Trust
Water Technology and Desalination Scholarship 2016
West Lothian Educational Trust
Xero Entrepreneur Scholarship