The oldest English-speaking University in Canada and one of the oldest public universities in North America UNB traces its origins back to 1785. With over 200 years of teaching and producing quality graduates.
UNB now boasts 55,000 alumni from around the world in over 100 different countries - giving our university one of the largest and most diverse populations of international students in Canada.
UNB receives more than $51 million in annual research funding, through grants and contracts Not only this but UNB ranked among the top five comprehensive universities in the 2008 Maclean's university survey.
UNB Mission Statement
To be known for its excellence in teaching by providing students with the highest possible quality instruction, library and laboratory resources which are appropriate for both undergraduate and graduate learning.
Some details you may cover under this section are the Year of Establishment & Mission of the Institute, the various Accredetations, Ranking & Recognitions, whether Public or Private Institute, USP's for International Students & International Student Strength & also the Courses which are Highly demanded by Students
Location & Facilities
The University of New Brunswick is one university with two main campuses: one in Fredericton, New Brunswick’s capital, and the other in Saint John, New Brunswick’s largest city.
UNB Fredericton
P.O. Box 4400
New Brunswick,
E3B 5A3
Phone: (506) 453-4666
UNB Saint John
100 Tucker Park Road
P.O. Box 5050
Saint John, New Brunswick,
E2L 4L5
Phone: (506) 648-5500
Accomodation facilities
The University maintains thirteen residence halls, including mens, womens and co-ed houses. Each room is furnished with desks, bookshelves, wastebaskets, bulletin boards, single beds, dressers and wardrobes. Pillows are provided but Residents bring all other bedding(sheets, pillow cases,quilt/duvet,etc.for a twin bed) as well as towels. Extra transitional residences also are created each fall to help accommodate students given the tight local housing market and campus residences having more space as the term progresses
Fredericton Residence Fees 2010-2011 For a Signed Double Term Agreement. Students who qualify for the Holiday Residence (Dec 18, 2010 - Jan 4, 2011) pay an extra fee of $200 for this period (whether staying for some or all of this period) which funds the actual costs of room preparation and use, holiday activities, and res. life support. Daily meals are not provided although a holiday dinner is included.