Initially named the Northern Arizona Normal School, the institution was established on September 11, 1899. The first graduating class, in 1901, consisted of four women who received credentials to teach in the Arizona Territory. In 1925, the Arizona State Legislature allowed the school, which was now called the Northern Arizona State Teacher's College, to grant Bachelor of Education degrees. In 1929 the school became Arizona State Teacher's College.
Northern Arizona University is a public university offering undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees of high quality and societal value. As a student, you are at the center of the NAU experience, which is guided by a dedicated and distinguished faculty committed to teaching, individual engagement, and research excellence.
Location & Facilities
With an average of 288 days of sunshine per year and an average 100 inches of annual snowfall, Flagstaff offers a scenic setting to live and learn while surrounded by a landscape and four-season climate unlike anything else in Arizona.
The town has drawn positive attention from a number of publications. Travel + Leisure magazine recently named Flagstaff among the top 10 Best College Towns in America, and Time.com has called it one of the nation's happiest cities.
Outside magazine has ranked Flagstaff as the 7th best town in the nation. Fodor.com named the city one of "20 College Towns We Love to Visit," citing Flagstaff's nearly 700 acres of park land and its 50 miles of trails.With 26 campuses throughout the state of Arizona and On campus Living facilities