The School of Continuing and Professional Studies is a unit of New York University. Founded in 1934, the school aims at working professionals who seek additional training tailored to their interests.
NYU School of Continuing and Professional Studies (NYU-SCPS): an overarching academic focus on "practical" or professional and career-focused study, responsiveness to changing educational needs arising within the regional economy, and a commitment to broad access.
Since its inception more than 75 years ago, the School has boasted a singular yet highly diverse profile. Widely known for one of the most respected post-baccalaureate continuing education programs in the United States, NYU-SCPS has transformed itself as well into NYU's fourth largest graduate school and seventh largest undergraduate college.
More than 2,000,000 students have graduated from SCPS since its founding. Today, SCPS serves more than 55,000 students each year.
Location & Facilities
The center of NYU is its Washington Square campus in the heart of Greenwich Village. Additional NYU-SCPS classroom facilities and offices are located at the NYU Midtown Center and the Woolworth Building in lower Manhattan.