Facilities and overview
Founded in Norfolk, Virginia in 1966, ECPI University demonstrated early on its commitment to forward-thinking, market-based curriculum in an accelerated format and being among the first to offer classes in the growing field of computer programming. The name – ECPI – stands for East Coast Polytechnic Institute, signifying its origin and ongoing commitment to technological advancement in all fields of study.
For nearly half a century, ECPI University was established as a career oriented student centered institution and pursued a path of addressing the needs of students and employers in Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
ECPI University has emerged as a leading career university, defined by its commitment to a student centered environment including hands-on learning, small classes, accelerated degrees , superior student services, flexible scheduling, and relationships with strategic partners. Most notably, it maintains very important ties with some of the nation’s leading employers. They not only hire graduates, but also sit on Academic
Advisory Boards. Twice yearly, these board members meet to review curriculum and ensure that it meets the requirements of the workplace.
ECPI Universitys strategic partnerships provide the dual benefit of maintaining academic integrity and value for its graduates who can be uniquely-qualified to meet employer needs. Its an approach to education that has stood the test of time. To date, the University has provided employment services to more than 3,800 different employers, some of which are among America’s largest, including AT & T Government Solutions, BMW Manufacturing Co., Computer Sciences Corporation, Lockheed Martin, Cox Communications, General Dynamics, Rolls-Royce, Hewlett-Packard, Sentara Healthcare, Boeing, Verizon, STIHL, Harris IT, Northrup Grumman, Canon Information Technology Services, and L-3 Communications.