Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Engineering, Mathematics and Science
Health Sciences.
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin. The School is ranked 1st in Ireland and 16th in Western Europe.It offers bachelor in business studies,Business Economics,Law and Business,Computer Science and Business Undergraduate programmes.At Masters it offers Manangement,Marketing,Finance,Digital Marketing,International Managemnt and Accounting.The school offers MBA with AMBA accreditation and is ranked as top MBA in Europe as well as in world.
 The School of English at Trinity College, placed 32nd in the world and 7th in Europe by the 2015 QS University Rankings by Subject.It offers undergraduation couses in English studies and English Literature.The postgrduate courses are in Creative literature,Children's writing,Irish Writing,Popoualr Literatures.
The School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies at Trinity College Dublin, placed 42nd in the world and 10th in Europe by the 2014 QS University Rankings by Subject.The postgraduate cousrse are in comparative literature,Literary translation,Medieval language,literature and culture.
 Trinity School of Law is one of the leading Law Schools in Europe, consistently ranked as one of the top 100 Law Schools in the world.It offers Llb degree as undergraduation and Masters in Law,International and Comparative Law,International and European Intellectual and property law,Business Law.
The School of Psychology offers both single honor and joint honor programmes in Psychology. The first step to a career in Psychology in Ireland is to study for a primary degree at honours level. Completion of an approved primary honours degree enables a student to become a graduate member of the Psychological Society of Ireland (P.S.I.). Further postgraduate education and specialist training is then necessary to develop a career in Psychology., Masters courses in Applied Psychology,Applied Behaviour Analysis and clinical supervision.
 Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science.
The Faculty is committed to excellence in both research and teaching, to the enhancement of the learning experience of each of its students and to an inclusive College community with equality of access for all.With eight Schools, the Faculty offers world class teaching across a variety of exciting disciplines, including:
Astrophysics, Biochemistry, Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Genetics, Geography, Geology, Immunology, Mathematics, Microbiology, Neuroscience, Physics, Physiology, Science, Statistics and Zoology.
The School of Engineering was founded in 1841 and is one of the oldest Engineering Schools in the English speaking world.
 Biochemistry and Immunology offers Masters in Immunology. Engineering offers master courses in Bioengineering,Environmental,structural,Geotechincal,Fire Safety,Project,Sustainable Engineering and Music Technologies.
 School of computer Science and statistics offer master courses in Computer science with Interactive Entertainmen Technologies/Mobile and Ubiquitous computing/Network and distrubuted sysyems.It also offers Health Informatics,Interactive degital media,Information systems, School of Mathmatics offers Master in High Performance Computing.
 School of Natural sciences offer courses in Biodiversity and Conservation,Development practice and Environmental sciences.
 Faculty of Health Sciences
It is one of three faculties in Trinity College. Established in 2008, the first Faculty of Health Sciences in these islands and this concept is now being followed by other Irish Universities.
The School of Dental Science provides education and training programmes for all members of the dental team. The School is housed within the Dublin Dental University Hospital, which is on the main Trinity Campus.The Dental Hospital is a National Centre of Excellence for many of the dental specalties, so all dental students are exposed to a very rich mix of patients for their training, while patients have access to clinical care that perhaps would not be available to them otherwise. The School has a number of research strengths, particularly in relation to fundamental and translational moicrobiology. Researchers in the School and Hospital are internationally recognised for their work on areas such as waterline decomtamination and on the containment of MRSA and other serious infections.
 The School of Medicine is one of the largest schools in Trinity College with a cohort of approximately 1400 students, incorporating the disciplines of Medicine, Radiation Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. The School has a very proud history, having celebrated its tercentenery in 2011, and continues to be one of the top 100 medical schools in the world.
The School of Nursing and Midwifery in Trinity College is Ireland's leading institution for Nursing & Midwifery education and research. The School lead the national upskilling of nursing and midwife education to degree level and they currently educate approximately one fifth of all nurses and one third of all midwives nationally. The School leads on research and translational research, with Ireland's first Centre for Practice in Healthcare Innovation.
 The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is one of the top 30 schools of pharmacy in the world. It is a compact school with approximately 300 undergraduate and 100 postgraduate students and 50 staff and post-doctoral researchers. All undergraduate and Masters students undertake research projects as part of their studies, and these projects are usually linked to the School's main research projects. The School's research strengths lie in the areas of pharmacy practice, neuroscience and neuropharmacology, cancer, drug delivery devices, development of medical devices, medicinal chemistry and the discovery of molecules from natural sources