- Established in 1975
- Public Funded College
- Regulated, accredited and funded by Govt. Of British Columbia
- 2500 Canadian Students
- 200 International students from more than 25 countries
Location & Facilities
College of the rockies is located in the southeastern corner of the province of British Columbia, Canada. The main Cmapus is in Cranbrook, BC. One hour drive from the USA border and three hour drive from the USA border and three drive to scenic Baniff.
Accommodation facilities :
- Students can choose either:
- Homesay with a Canadian host OR
- On-campus housing at dormitory/residence
Student Services :
- Recreation Activity Coordinators - provide activities for students on and off campus
- International Student advisors/ Homestay Coordinator
- Academic Advisors
- Free International Phone calls home
- Bus Pass included in student fees